Whether you are new to the world of massage therapy or a seasoned pro, you'll want to communicate these 5 things with your massage therapist to ensure a successful session. Save this list for later to make the most of your precious massage time!
1. Table Heat Preferences
Do you run hot? Run cold? Somewhere in between? Let your massage therapist know how your body temperature is feeling so that they cant adjust the massage table heat accordingly. Being cozy and warm will help your muscles loosen up during your session.
2. Massage Pressure Preferences
Usually, your therapist will ask you this before or during your massage. Be sure to communicate your preference if their touch is too firm or too light. You can also book your massage based on your pressure preferences- for the lightest pressure we recommend Swedish massage, for medium to firm we recommend therapeutic, for deep pressure we recommend deep tissue.
3. Areas to avoid
This one's important: be sure to tell your therapist about any injuries and areas you don't want to be touched during your session.
4. Areas to focus on
Do you want a full-body massage or just a localized massage? Be sure to mention areas where you feel the most tension and ask for extra attention to be given there.
5. Hair Preferences
Just had an expensive blowout? You may want to tell your therapist to avoid touching your hair. If you have no issues with having your head and scalp massaged, feel free to give your therapist the green flag to touch your hair.
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